Wednesday 14 November 2012

Journal Day 7

Today I worked on the shots list, props list and storyboarding of two of my ideas.

Idea One:
S1. LS of the "warehouse" showing the main character and the television
S2. CU of the main character as he picks up the Tv remote.
S3. OTS shot of the main character flicking through the Tv channels, showing that only one character shows up on the Tv.
S4. BEV shot showing the CCTV footage of the main character sat there with the killer stood behind him.

Idea Three:
S1. Forward panning shot down a corridor
S2. The panning shot slowly comes around a corner to reveal a zombie
S3. Slow zoom of the zombie eating, it then turns around slowly
S4. CU of the "body" which is the feasted Film 4 logo.

My props list includes:
Idea One:
- Television (Inc remote control)
- Seating
- A mask (potato sack perhaps)

Idea Three:
- Prosthetics (zombie make-up)
- Fake blood
- Mannequin

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